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City Council Meeting 03/20/2008
Auburn City Council
Meeting #11
March 24, 2008
Business Meeting

Roll Call – Councilor Graney, McNabb, Brower and Mayor Quill – Present.  Councilor Smith - Absent

Staff – Mark Palesh, City Manager, Debra McCormick, City Clerk, John Rossi, Corporation Counsel, Lisa Green, Comptroller, Bill Lupien, Engineering, Gary Giannotta, Police Chief, Mike Hammon Fire Chief, Jenny Haines, Planning Director, Bruce Ross, Engineering, Crystal Purcell, Planning.

Pledge of Allegiance – Student winners of the Auburn Human Rights Commission’s Black History Month Essay Contest were introduced and congratulated by Mayor Quill.  The students lead the pledge.

Moment of Silent Prayer or Reflection – Mayor Quill asked for a moment of silence.

Presentations and Proclamations  - None

Public Announcements - None

Presentations of Petitions and Communications – The Clerk read.

Ordinances  - FIRST READING – The City Clerk read the following Ordinances into the record.

Bond Ordinance #2 of 2008, authorizing the issuance of $1,400,000 serial bonds to finance the cost of the 2008-2009 Road Improvement Program

Bond Ordinance #3 of 2008 authorizing issuance of $200,000 serial bonds to finance the cost of engineering services for the rehabilitation of the state dam.

Local Laws  - NONE

Work Session

Business Improvement District (BID) Presentation – Dan Schuster, 123 East Genesee
St. and BID Executive Director reported to council on the following:

*       The transition to using parking kiosk has been going well.  The BID has placed informational signs, used the public access channel on Time Warner and written an article for the newspaper to help answer questions for citizens.

*       He has worked with the City Manager to address issues related to handicap access to kiosk.

*       He asked the Chief to look into the possibility of the State St. kiosks being accessible for use prior to 9AM as the other street kiosks are.

*       He has also had requests from people that would like to pay 10 cents for less than one hour.  As it is now, he reported, there is no flexibility for doing this as there was with meters.

*       A Downtown Concert Series has been scheduled.  There will be 6 free concerts, which are funded with grants and local business sponsors.

Presentation on C.D.B.G. Sidewalks – Jenny Haines and Crystal
Purcell presented Council with an outline on what streets are scheduled and completed
on the CDGB Sidewalk program.  They provided a written outline and map to Council.

Presentation on Road Program – Mr. Lupien discussed (and distributed a list of) streets proposed for the 2008-2009-road program.  Mayor Quill asked that a report be done that would include when these streets were last repaired.

Presentation on City Sidewalks – Mr. Lupien discussed plans for
repair of sidewalks.

Change Order #2 for East Genesee Street – Mr. Lupien discussed
the Change order that will need Councils approval. He reported that adjustments are
needed for increased costs in fuel and asphalt.

Councilor Graney asked Mr. Lupien why South St. is falling apart so soon after it was
constructed.  Mr. Lupien replied.

Presentation on the rehabilitation of the State Dam - Bruce Ross, Assistant City Engineer reported to Council on the State Dam Rehabilitation Project.  He discussed the regulatory responsibilities, problems, requirements and costs.  A hand out was distributed.

City Court Lease – City Attorney John Rossi reported to Council on the status of this issue.

Other Business

Appointment Resolution #22 of 2008 authorizing appointment of Stephen Ansteth of 6 South Marvine Ave. to the Board of Assessment Review. – Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Brower, and Mayor Quill, aye Councilor Smith absent. CARRIED.

Councilor McNabb announced he was a grandfather again.  He congratulated his daughter and husband on the birth of Owen Patrick.
Council adjourned to Executive Session at 7:10PM and returned at 8:10PM.  

Adjournment  - Council adjourned at 8:10PM.